Scoresheet Examples
Scoresheet Examples
Instructions for completing score sheets for all 8 Ball formats
General Instructions
- Enter Week No., Match No., Division No., Date, Home Team Name, and Visiting Team Name in applicable blocks
- Enter the first and last name of each player for both teams
- Step 3 Is for Handicapped Formats Only
- Enter each player’s average in the Avg. block
- Add player averages for each team and enter in the Total Avg. blocks
- Subtract the lower total average from the higher to obtain the handicap points and enter into the Handicap Points block of the lower team
- Enter each player’s game scores in the appropriate blocks
- At the end of the match total all player scores and handicap points, if applicable, to determine team score
- Team with the highest team score wins the match
Example scoresheets for all 8 Ball formats are listed below.
Handicapped 3 Player Format Scoresheet Example

Handicapped 5 Player Format Scoresheet Example

No Handicap 5 Player Format Scoresheet Example

Choose your timeouts wisely